What are you doing? Why are you doing it? Everyone has a purpose and is called to do something. And whatever we are called to do has a process and a cost to it. This is why it is so important to always be focused on the WHY we do more than the what we do. Focusing on the WHY keeps us on track and consistent in the process.
God’s word instructs us that whatever we do in word or deed to do unto the Lord not unto man. God set it up in the beginning for all the glory to go to Himself. His word says that He will not give glory to another. And I believe He set it up this way not because He is selfish but because He is the only consistent one in our lives. He knows how fickle minded human beings are and He knows that when offense comes there is a possibility we will jump right off from our purpose. So He always wants us to point our “WHY’S” to Him and not to man. God is serious about His purpose for our lives here on earth. Keeping our focus on the one who is consistent keeps us consistent in our purpose.
This is a big deal whether you believe it or not because getting off course from our purpose not only affects our lives but also the lives of others connected to us. Joseph the Prince of Egypt went through rejection from his family to being wrongly accused by people he trusted and respected that landed him in prison. But in all this he endured and kept going through his process because he trusted in the Lord. His godly dreams he continued to have in prison shows us that He stayed focused on God and his purpose. And because he went through he was promoted to a place of authority that brought provision and emotional healing to his family through the help of God.
We have many examples throughout the Bible but Jesus is our perfect example. He too endured rejection, He was second guessed and challenged, He was spat on and mocked and beaten, but He endured His process. He knew that His suffering was not for Himself but to help connect us to God. He knew what He had to go through wasn’t about Him. After He suffered and went THROUGH His process, He rose with all power. He gives us the same opportunity to go through our process for His glory to be revealed in us and for us to have power and authority through Him.
His word says in Romans 8:18- For I reckon the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Suffering is a part of the process and it MAKES you. You want to be genuine/ authentic and also be around people who are ALSO genuine/authentic…NOT organic. I know that sounds a little backwards but when you look at things and foods that are organic, these are kept in it’s most original form with very minimal to no processing at all. That’s great and healthy for things and foods but NOT when it comes to people. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity and that is OUR organic state. But Jesus came for our processing to begin. So when it comes to people, PROCESSED PEOPLE are the healthier choice people not organic. An organic person can be a toxic person. I encourage you to keep your organic preferences to foods and things.
So what are you doing and WHY again? Can you say you are walking out your purpose? Then keep your focus and always do it for God. What you are going through today? Is it rejection, lack of provision, people speaking UN-truth about you or gossiping about you, is it sickness? Whatever you are going through, STAY in the process. STAY anchored in Jesus. KEEP your focus. Rebuke the enemy’s plan. Consider what God is doing in you and what He wants to do through you. Allow things that are not like God to be purged and allow His character to be developed in you so you can be established and healthy. Remember you will never have power over darkness if you like to entertain it or if you just give in to it. Get to the other side of your through because there are people along the way who are connected to you that will need your testimony and your prayers to help them get on their track of purpose. Consider what Jesus did for us. He went through His process. Glory is connected to suffering.
KEEP GOING THROUGH. Do not be confused. There is a difference between QUITTING and when seasons end. There is a sweet victory, God’s authority and power waiting on the other side when you ENDURE the process.
Hebrews 12:7 AMP-You must submit to and endure {correction} for discipline; God is dealing with you as with sons. For what son is there whom his father does not {thus} train and correct and discipline.
2 Timothy 2:2-3 NIV- And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. 3. Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 12:11 NIV-No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
1 Peter 5:10 NIV- And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
PRAYER: God I honor your great name today and thank you for enduring the process in your life on the way to the cross and even in the last days at the cross until your resurrection. You are a true example of one who endured and went through your process for the sake of others. HELP ME to endure the process you have for me for the sake of all those connected to me and coming after me. Help me live out my purpose for you. I rebuke distraction and I rebuke people pleasing. May everything that I do be for YOU and you only. Amen.